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Kount is a leading provider of digital fraud detection and prevention solutions. It offers an advanced platform that helps businesses identify and mitigate fraudulent activities in real time. By analyzing numerous data points and utilizing machine learning algorithms, Kount helps organizations detect and stop fraudulent transactions, account takeovers, and other online threats. Its solutions are used across various industries, including e-commerce, financial services, travel, and more, to protect businesses and their customers from the risks associated with online fraud. Kount's technology aims to provide robust security measures while minimizing false positives to ensure a seamless and secure online experience. Thiio's WebForce’sadvanced system has made significant strides in enhancing its capabilities by integrating with the Kount API. This integration empowers Thiio WebForce to leverage the robust features and functionality offered by Kount's powerful fraud detection and prevention platform.

The integration with Kount API enables Thiio WebForce to analyze multiple data points, including device information, IP addresses, geolocation, transaction history, and other relevant data, to assess the legitimacy of each transaction. This comprehensive approach significantly reduces the likelihood of fraudulent activities slipping through the system undetected.


We’ll use this information when setting up the integration on Thiio’s WebForce’s admin later.

Create Submerchant ID as UDF


After these steps whenever a request is sent by Thiio WebForce to the API, this field will be present and it will be easier to identify which account is being used for validating transactions.


It is important to have the following information provided by Kount’s Customer Support Team in order to continue with the set up on thiio’s WebForce’s side.

Set up Kount

  1. On thiio’s WebForce’s admin it is important to access to the integrations section from the menu on the left.

  2. Then click on the add (+) button in order to open the catalog of integrations.

  3. Search for the Kount integration.

  4. On this form we’ll fill it out with the Website we created on the Fetch Website section above. The URL is the same url as the RIS Endpoint URL provided by Kount’s Customer Support team.

  5. The data collector URL provided by Kount’s customer support team.

  6. The key is the API Key we created on the Fetch API Keys section described above.

  7. Merchant ID is the same provided by Kount’s Customer Support team.

  8. And the Submerchant ID we got it from the Create Submerchant ID as UDF section above.



It is important to define a threshold for the Omniscore and the Persona Score. Thiio WebForce allows to work with them individually, meaning that we could evaluate transactions only using either Omniscore, Persona Score or both at the same time. For more reference about what these values mean please

review the information below gathered from Kount’s official website.


The table below provides guidelines for interpreting the Persona Score. These guidelines are based on analysis across Kount’s entire merchant base. Actual results for a merchant can vary depending on unique characteristics of the integration with Kount and the merchant’s business model. Please contact your Client Success Representative for assistance.

Persona Score

Risk Level



Low Risk

Small Persona, few if any risk factors


Medium Risk

Some risk factors present in Persona


High Risk

Large Persona and/or significant risk factors

Omniscore Overview


Designed to make good decisions more intuitive, the Omniscore can be likened to U.S. academic letter grades that range from F to A. Most transactions will rate in the 80s and 90s (Bs and As). Transactions with issues will rate in the 60s to 70s (Ds and Cs). The riskiest transactions rate below 60 (F).




90 – 99.9


Very safe, multiple indicators of safety found

80 – 89.9


Indicators of safety found

70 – 79.9>


Typically a mix of safe and risky indicators

60 – 69.9


Indicators of risk found

0.1 – 59.9


Very risky, significant indicators of risk found

It is important to note that Omniscore is not a decision. It is a prediction of safety that is used by customers to decision a transaction (either automatically via creating a rule or manually while under review).


A suggested rule is to determine the decisioning threshold (at what value the Omniscore is set) based on the decline rate your expected fraud rate:

Desired Decline Rate

Omniscore Fraud Rule


If Omniscore < 61 Decline


If Omniscore < 49 Decline


If Omniscore < 37 Decline


If Omniscore < 25 Decline


If Omniscore < 13 Decline

The decisioning threshold can be adjusted after analyzing decline and chargeback rates, and any other measures of performance important to the merchant.
