UltraCart Integration

UltraCart Integration


The purpose of this walkthrough is to help you set up your Ultracart server in the Webforce CRM 


Pre Requisites:

  • Webforce account 

  • Ultra cart account 

  • API token 

  • Webhooks 

  • Merchant ID

  • Codes


Set up various integrations with ease.


To configure UltraCart Integration we need an account with developer permissions granted in order to be able to configure a REST API Token and/or a Webhook.

REST API: is used for making requests to fetch or store information from or on Ultracart; information such as costumer info, order info, items or products.

Webhook: a Webhook delivers data to other applications, meaning you get data immediately. In this case we use a Webhook to receive UltraCart order and customer information when an event occurs, such as costumer is stored on UltraCart system they report through a Weebhook to WebForce, WebForce receives that information an stores the data.


Meaning of common used words:

Merchant ID: is a number or a short text to identify the store in UltraCart system.

Channel Partner Code: is a number or a short text to identify a sales channel partner that are not directly integrated into.


Go to Configuration / Integrations / Custom (Generic) Channel Partner


for more information please visit: Channel Partner API

Affiliate: a website that drives traffic to another web site in exchange for a percent of sales from users driven to the site.

for more information please visit: Affiliate Management Introduction

for more information about how to get a new affiliate please visit: Create New Affiliate


Go to Advanced / Affiliate Management / Affiliate and click New button


1 - Configure REST API Token


Go to Developer Tools / REST APIs, and press Setup API Credentials button


Create new API Configuration


  1. Set an application name to identify the configuration.

  2. Select Simple Key in Authentication Type options.

  3. The Simple Key field is generated automatically.

In the right side we see a table with different entities, please select the following to grant permissions to API:

  • Customers: Read & Write

  • Orders: Read & Write

Click on save button. Copy Simple Key, is the one that we will use to configure the integration in WebForce.

2 - Configure Webhook


Go to Developer Tools / Webhooks, and press Setup a Webhook button


Press add button and fill the form as show below.

When the Webhook sends us information, it arrives with the information that we will select below, for customers and orders we must specify the required entities. Only checked events will be sent from Ultracart as soon as they are triggered.



  • Set the Target URL, can be found in the UltraCart integration form.

UltraCart Integration form after created


  1. Select customer_create (2) & customer_update(3) checkbox and put billing,shipping,customer_profile in the corresponding fields.

  2. Select order_create (4), order_refund (5), order_reject (6) & order_ship (7) checkbox and put item,billing,shipping,customer_profile,summary,payment,channel_partner,checkout in the corresponding fields.

Click on save button.


3 - Configure products on WebForce System

To match UltraCart/WebForce products when a new order is created through WebForce, and it's ready to be stored on UltraCart, we need to add the UltraCart item identifier (ID) to the related WebForce product.

Go to items list on UltraCart and select the item (click on his name or the pencil on action's column) you want to configure.

Go to Developer Items Management list
Copy the ID field

For more information about how to create a new item, please visit: New Item

Go to products list on WebForce and click on edit option product you to want to configure.


Products list


Click on Metadata menu option and next click in the button below to add a new one.


Product edit Form



New Metadata Key Form


Add a new key called ultracart_code and in the value field paste the related UltraCart item identifier.

Click on the save button. 

4 - Configure gateway settings for store payment methods (optional)

This step is required only if you want to retrieve and store payment information that UltraCart integration send us through WebHooks to our crm (only for approved orders).

Note: this feature only works with Braintree, Stripe, Authorize, and NMI gateways; the credentials must be the same configured in Ultracart CRM and Webforce CRM.


  • Go to integrations and open the settings drawer for UltraCart Integration, then navigate to the Gateways tab. In this tab, you can see all the gateways configured in Webforce's CRM listed by name.

  • Go to UltraCart CRM and navigate to Payments settings.

UltraCart Gateways list
  • Copy the code of the gateway you need to configure and paste it into Webforce’s Gateways settings.


  • Enable payment methods store checkbox and save settings.


How to verify if the integration is working:

  • Create test order.

  • Log in to your instance and go under orders. 

  • Open the funnel Icon on the upper right-hand corner

  • Select Test in the funnel section and click apply

  • This will filter out the test orders.

  • Log into Ultracart and search for the test order there.

  • On the search bar to the right, type orders and View order.


To check the UltraCart Integration you would need to go to Orders click the order number 



Select Notifications and the Status should be Successful. you can also click the 3 dots to the far right to View Details and see the information sent and received.




  • Log into your webforce account

  • Have open your UltraCart account 

  • Gather all the necessary keys and codes 

  • Configure the system into Webforce

  • Save

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