How to Save Sections in Funnels


The purpose of this walkthrough is to show you how to Save Sections in Funnels inside the Webforce CRM.

Pre Requisites:

WF account

Section Name

Section category


Once you are in the dashboard of the Webforce CRM you will go to Funnels



Here you will click on the 3 dots on the right side of the funnel you would like to work on. and select edit as shown below



Once you have selected the funnel you would like to work on. click on the builder tool to edit the Section part of the funnel


The Section part of the funnel will be in blue in the far right corner, there you will click the paintbrush to edit


Go to Advanced, General, and then Export Section. a screen will pop up with the options to give your Section a Name and Section category. Do Not edit the Section Visibility


Once you have created your Section template you can go back to your funnels and choose the one you would like to edit then hit the builder tool, here you can click the library icon as shown below


When you click The library icon you will have the option of what Section you would like to add to this funnel, just click the plus sign to add


Check List:

  • Log in to Webforce

  • Section Name

  • Section category