Adding System Notifications

Adding System Notifications  



The purpose of this walkthrough is to help you set up a system that will notify you when an event occurs within the CRM.


Pre Requisites:

  • Emails

  • SMS

  • shop page 

  • Funnels


  • Go into your WebForce Instance and navigate to “Integrations”. Then find “System Notifications”



  • Click “View Configuration”



  • Once here you can view all of the notification options within the system. Once you know which notifications you want to be notified of, go to “Channels”


  • Here you will be able to view all your notifications set up. When you want to add a new person, click the plus sign.


  • Here you can add a new channel for notification. As you can see you have plenty of options to choose from and each will require different pieces to configure. For this walkthrough we will go through email and Google Chat


  • For Email:


  • Then click save and toggle on the notifications you want to go to this specific channel. 

  • For Google Chat:

  • Go to the google chat you want to receive notifications. 

  • Go to “Manage Webhooks” and create a new webhook. Once it’s created, copy the link and paste it into WebForce. 

  • Go back to "Notifications" and toggle on your notifications. This screen will appear. Click the plus sign to add your new channel.   


  • Select your channel and sources you want to be notified from. 


  • Now you have set up your notification channel and you will begin to receive notification to the channel of your choice. 

  • You can add as many channels as you’d like and we will be continuing to add more notifications for you to utilize.  



  • Emails

  • SMS

  • shop page 

  • Funnels