Konnektive integration - Inbound Data

Konnektive integration - Inbound Data


This walkthrough aims to help you set up your Konnektive account in the Webforce CRM.


Pre Requisites:

  • WF account

  • Konnektive account 



Basically, we need to set up a Postback notification; these notifications will be triggered every time a relevant event is generated in Konnektive CRM.


1. Create API user on Konnektive CRM

Create a new user and grant permissions for API access for these modules:

  • Import lead

  • Import Orders


Go to Admin | Users and click the green Add User button


2. Create Konnektive Integration on Webforce CRM

Go to integrations section on Webforce CRM and create a new Konnektive integration using the credentials created in the step 1.


Go to Integrations and click the floating blue + button


Integration created drawer

3. Configure a Postback Export Profile on Konnektive CRM

Export Profiles are used to send data to a Postback URL (webhook).


Go to Admin | Exports and click the green + button


Add a profile name and select Postback as the export type



Click edit to enter the profile configuration page

We need to configure two sections: General Settings and Field Mappings.


Edit Export Webhook Profile

Configure General Settings


Configure General Settings

  • Profile Name: the name of the export profile.

  • Export Type: type of Postback export.

  • Postback URL: where you want the information sent.

  • Export Delay: leave the field empty (the task will be run every 15 minutes and send the information to the defined URL).

In the Postback URL set the url given for the Konnektive configuration in Webforce CRM


o to Integrations and click on the edit button of the Konnektive integration


Configure Field Mappings

We need to get the following information (fields) in the Postback payload in order to save as much information from the order/lead in the Webforce CRM.

All fields mentioned in the following documentation are valid and can be used, but we only need the ones listed in the table below.



Click the green + button to add a Field Map



Export Name: the name that the field will have when exported.

Field: the name of the field you are mapping from the CRM order record.

Static Value: If selecting “Static” as the field, then this represents the static (unchanging) value that is always used.



Note: add the export fields name same as the field name of the order record (check the valid fields on this documentation).

Make this process whit all the fields listed in the above table

4. Configure Profile Routing



We need to configure 2 Profile routing that will be used to send the information configured on the Field Mappings when a relevant event occurs.

  • New Sale

  • Decline


Click the green + button on the Profile routing panel

Profile: The name of the profile configured on Step 3 of this document

CustomerType: is the event type that you want to report to the postback URL

Campaigns: select all campaigns option

Product: select all products option

Make this process whit the 2 customer types options: New Sale and Decline


How to verify if the integration is working:

  • Perform a live transaction and a test transaction.

  • Follow this walkthrough to perform a test transaction: Creating a Test Order

  • After performing the transaction check your orders


To check a live order go to Orders and select the Order number as shown below


To check a Test order just go to Orders and click the Funnel icon on the top right corner


Once you have selected the Funnel icon the dropdown will appear, just select Test and Apply to view only the Test orders



  • WF account

  • Konnektive account 

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