Adding a Team

Setting Up a Team



The purpose of this walkthrough is to help you set up your call center team and give each member access to edit payment information, assign opportunities, team names, and other features.  


Pre Requisites:

  • WF account with administrative access

Set up your call center team with ease.

  • Click on Teams on the left side menu. Here you can view all your current offers here



  • Click the blue plus sign to add additional teams



  • A team will be utilized if you have a call center type model for your business.

  • Add your

    1. Team Name,

    2. The Leader of your team from the drop down

    3. Mark free for interval as 0-1 so that your agents can see all opportunities and customers that may come through

  • Remember to click save when you’re done!


  • Here you can add:

    • An image

    • Applicable selling channels

    • Funnel for offer

    • Terms & conditions

    • And more!

  • Once you are happy with your offer click save



  • WF account with administrative access