Setting Up Blog


The purpose of this walkthrough is to help you set up your blog and guide you through the customization process for each component of the blog.


Pre Requisites:

  • Blog content (post, images, links)

  • Blog URL


  • In the WebForce platform go to Settings and click Blog



  • Here you will see the blog section of WebForce

  • Blog settings 

    • Just to set your blog active 

  • Blog path 

  • Webpage to where your blog exists, can be edited here 

  • Each page can be edited and the blog base 

    • Note: if the blog base is edited it will be reflected in the location of all pages 



  • Appearance

  • Here you can update the look and feel of the blog by using the editor tool from a preview walkthrough. 

  • Here is an example of the editor tool if you are the blog post section



  • Once you are ready to add a blog post, go to the main menu and select Posts

  • Click the add button in the right corner 

  • Name your post and add the author and click save

  • Then you will be taken to this screen


  • Here you can: 

    • Add the content of the blog 

    • Add publish date or immediately publish 

    • Edit Path

    • Blog image

    • Tags and categories 

  • Once all your information is, click save



  • Blog content (post, images, links)

  • Blog URL