How to Create and Design Your Shop

How to Create and Design Your Shop


The purpose of this walkthrough is to help you set up your shop page inside the WebForce system. This will help you navigate the page and show you where your content needs to be added and where it can be modified. 


Pre Requisites:

  • Products already created.

  • Offers already created. (Optional)

  • Domain (Certified sealed)

  • Gateway configured.

  1. Navigate to Settings and then to Shop 


  3. Follow these steps to create your shop

  4. First, you will select the domain for your shop. Your domain options will be in a drop-down as long as they have already been added to the system. If you need to add your domain follow this walkthrough 


  6. Here you will add your path, your root path will automatically populate or you can add your own. 

    1. example of path: 

      1. product 


  7. Here you will see the default pages and URLs for the shop. 


  9. Next, you will choose a template to build on for the design of your shop. Make sure to hit save once all information is complete 


  11. Now that your shop is built you will be taken to this screen and this is what your Shop section will look like 

  12. Here you have your main shop settings. 


  14. When you go to appearance this is where you can alter the way your shop is designed. All editing is done under the Editor Tool  

    1. Note: Layout will affect the entire appearance of the shop. This is mainly to edit the header and footer of your storefront. 

    2. Note: Product detail is editing the layout of your product pages. Anything you want to go across every product page can be done here. Anything you want to edit individually will need to be done under the actual product. 


  15. You also have the ability to create collections and bundles of your products if you want to within your shop. 

  16. Collections: Click add collection


  18. Add the name of your collection here and the select the products associated 


  20. Select products by checking them off and then clicking add


  22. Here you will see your collection(s) 


  24. You can edit, duplicate or delete the collection at any time 


  26. Bundles: Click Bundles and then you will be taken to this screen. Name your bundle and then select the offers associated  


  28. Select the offers the same you did products and then click save 


  30. You will see your bundles here and you will need to click save once more 


  32. You also have the ability to edit, duplicate, and delete bundles at any time 
