How do I process a Void?

Making an Order Void  



The purpose of this walkthrough is to show you how to process a Void inside the Webforce CRM


Pre Requisites:

  • WF account

  • Reason to Void



Orders that are voided must be done within the first 24 hours of the order being placed 

  • Who can take this action? 

    • Customer service role

    • Admin role

    • Sales manager role

    • Super admin role 

  • On the left side menu click Orders and then click the order #

  • This screen will appear with all order and customer information.Click the three dots in the right lower corner and click void



  • Once you click void you will be brought to this screen: 


  • You will need to enter a reason for the void: 


  • Just like with refunds and chargebacks, the other option allows you to add a reason


  • Once you have added your reason, click save 


  • Once you are satisfied with your void, click void. 


  • You will be able to see the order marked void on the orders screen. 


Check List:

  • Webforce account

  • Reason to Void