Manual Check, Transfer, Deposit, Cash - Refunds / Chargebacks


The purpose of this walkthrough is to help you refund or make a chargeback.


Pre Requisites:

  • Funnel

  • Shop page

  • Orders


  • Click on orders inside your CRM



  • Click on the order you wish to Refund/ chargeback



  • Click on the 3 dots to the right of the transaction history that appears in the order history


  • Click on the action you are trying to accomplish Ex: Refund


  • Ex: Refund- Fill out all the information necessary in order to activate the refund button on the top right corner.

    • Full refund or partial refund?

    • If its partial refund: which products are being refunded and what quantity of them

    • Reason for refund will give you the pop up in "Image 2"

Image 2


  •  After clicking save on the "Reason for Refund" you will notice that the refund button is now active


  • Click on the arrow pointing down next to the refund button and select "Save Custom"


  • Fill out all of the information for the "custom refund"

    • Method: check, transfer, deposit, cash (see image 2)

    • Reference (optional): you could use check number, transfer reference, deposit receipt #

    • Date

    • Time

Image 2


  • Once you select an option click save and the refund will be placed on the order 


  • Chargeback option: Click on the action you are trying to accomplish Ex: Chargeback


  • Ex: Chargeback- Fill out all the information necessary in order to activate the chargeback button on the top right corner.

    • Reason for Chargeback (see Image 3)

    • If placing a charge back on all the products or specific products

Image 3


  • When you select a reason to chargeback you will select save


  • Finish by clicking the Chargeback button which will now be green



  • Funnel

  • Shop page

  • Orders