Updating the domain with a subdomain in a Funnel

Updating the domain with a subdomain in a Funnel

Updating Funnels Domain


The purpose of this walkthrough is to help you update your funnels domain with a subdomain.


Pre Requisites:

Active WF account

A URL or domain that you are willing to use

  1. Start by going to the funnel that you want to update

  2. mceclip1.png
  3. Edit the funnel

  4. mceclip2.png
  5. Click on "Settings" for the funnel

  6. mceclip3.png
  7. Click on the gear icon to edit the URL and domain of the funnel

  8. mceclip4.png
  9. From here you will be able to modify you path settings

  10. mceclip5.png
  11. Add Domains straight from the Path Settings

  12. mceclip6.png
  13. Once you have selected all the information you want click on Save



  • Active WF account

  • A URL or domain that you are willing to use

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