Stripe Payment Gateway

Setting Up Stripe 


The purpose of this walkthrough is to help you set up your Stripe gateway into the CRM system using the necessary keys and credentials.


Pre Requisites:

  • Stripe account

  • API Key- API key test

  • Set up your payment gateway by easily integrating your gateway of choice. 


  • Click on the blue plus sign or “add payment gateway” 

  • Choose Stripe listed below and hit “configure”


  • After you hit configure you will see this screen:


  • You will need to enter in all relevant information but most importantly the API Key for live and test environments. You will need to log in to your Stripe Account


  • Once logged in, click Developers


  • Click API Keys


  • NOTE: You will need to have Live and Test keys if you want to do test transactions within the system 

  • Copy the Publishable Key and the Secret Key and add it into your WebForce account


  • Now, go back to stripe and toggle on your test credentials


  • Copy the Publishable Key and Reveal and copy the Secret Key and paste them here:


  • Once all keys are added, toggle on which selling channels you want this payment method utilized


  • Then slide bar to enable the payment gateway


  • Once all steps are completed click save  

  • You will be able to see your payment gateway under the Gateway screen


  • You can add multiple gateways by repeating these steps and following the specific integration instructions!  

How to verify if the gateway is working:

  • Perform a live transaction and a test transaction.

  • Follow this walkthrough to perform a test transaction: Creating a Test Order

  • After performing the transaction check your orders

To check a live order go to Orders and select the Order number as shown below


To check a Test order just go to Orders and click the Funnel icon on the top right corner


Once you have selected the Funnel icon the dropdown will appear, just select Test and Apply to view only the Test orders



  • Stripe Account

  • API Keys

  • Access to standard keys