Issuing a Refund


The purpose of this walkthrough is to help you refund.


Pre Requisites:

  • Funnel

  • Shop page

  • Orders



Easily process refunds with this walkthrough 


  • Who can process a refund? 

    • Customer service role

    • Admin role

    • Sales manager role

    • Super admin role


  • On the left side menu click Orders and then click the order #.



  • This screen will appear with all order and customer information.Click the three dots in the right lower corner and click refund:



  • Once you click refund you will be brought to this screen:


  • You have the option for a full or partial refund:

  • If you are doing a partial refund: 

    • Choose the: 

      • Quantity refund 

        • Quantity returned

      • The amount 

      • The shipping 


  • You also can input the reason for the refund


  • Input the reason for the refund- if you choose Other you can add a short description 


  • Once you have input the reason, click save


  • If all information looks correct, click refund. This will begin the refund process within the system.  



  • Funnel

  • Shop page

  • Orders