Subscriptions dashboard
The purpose of this document is to explain the various components of the Subscription Dashboard. After reading this, you will have a clearer understanding of how to utilize these statistics to make adjustments and improvements in your business.
In order to be able to see this dashboard you must have access to the Subscription dashboard permission.
Open the dashboard
There are two ways for opening this dashboard.
Option 1
Go the Dashboard menu.
Click on the dots.
Click on the View all dashboards section.
Click on the Subscriptions dashboard section.
Option 2
Go to the Subscriptions menu.
Click on the Stats icon.
Source channel: By default, all sources are considered, but you can choose to select a specific source (Admin, Funnel, Shop).
Funnel: If you select the Funnel source, you can optionally choose a specific Funnel.
Page: If you select a Funnel you can optionally choose a page from that Funnel.
Date range: The range of dates to consider in the stats.
Revenue retention
This card is the only one that doesn’t take into consideration the Date range filter.
QTY: The total of active subscriptions.
Amount: The total amount that those active subscriptions have successfully charged.
QTY: The total amount of subscriptions on trial mode.
Amount: The amount that will be charged in a future cycle if the trial subscriptions are not cancelled.
Days: The number of days that a subscription is kept active before being cancelled/finished.
Amount: The amount of money that a subscription generates before being cancelled/finished.
Revenue by source channel
This card shows the revenue obtained through subscriptions for each source channel.
This card show stats about the cancelled subscriptions.
Quantity: The total of subscriptions cancelled.
Amount: The amount of money charged by the cancelled subscriptions.
Average: The average amount charged by each cancelled subscription.
Revenue chart
This chart shows different categories of revenue. It also comes with additional filters.
Period: You can filter the data by a kind of subscription period.
Product: You can filter by a particular product.
Plan: You can filter by a particular plan from the selected product.
Y axis: You can filter by revenue or quantity.
Chart lines
First: The amount charged on the subscriptions firsts purchases. This means purchases that created the subscription.
Recurrent: The amount charged recurrently by the subscriptions.
Expected: The amount that was expected to be charged. This line only shows past days. As maximum it will show you the current day.
Upcoming: The amount that is expected to be charged in the future if the subscriptions are not cancelled. This line only shows future days. This line can change constantly because it is affected by the subscription cancellations and the not successful payments that are rescheduled.
First/Recurrent: It is the sum of the First and Recurrent lines.