Creating a Bump Up Offer Inside Your Funnel

Creating a Bump Up Offer Inside Your Funnel

Creating a Bump Up Offer Inside Your Funnel



The purpose of this walkthrough is to help you create a bump up offer inside your funnel to offer additional product or offers. 


Pre Requisites:

WF Account 

Product and Offer create 



  • Go into your WF account and create the necessary products and offers that you are going to use inside of your bump offer. If you are using a subscription make sure it is created as well.



  • Once you have everything created go into your funnels and select the funnel you are going to use. Make sure you have added your new offers to your funnel and click on the cart page you are going to be adding the bump offer to.



  • Inside the editor page you will select the checkout option and you will be able to see the Bump Up Offer option. In here you will be able to select the offer that you have created and added to your funnel. From here you can go ahead and start styling the context of your bump up offer.



  • After clicking styling you will select bump offer



  • You will have the option to edit the text of your bump up offer and make your own design. 



  • You can add an HTML code and create your own design.



  • Once you have finished everything you can publish your page 




  • Products created

  • Offers created

  • Offers added to funnel

  • Design and text of bump up offer 

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