Setting up opportunity pipelines

Setting up opportunity pipelines

Pipelines provide an efficient way to automate the categorization and organization of your opportunities. In this guide, we’ll explore how to set up pipelines to fully leverage their flexibility and streamline your workflow.

  • Go to Settings > Opportunities

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  • Click on the Opportunity Pipelines tab.

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  • You will see a pipeline already created. The Default list cannot be disabled/deleted because all the opportunities that don’t match any other pipeline are assigned to it.

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  • Click on the create button for start the creation of a new pipeline.

  • You will see an stepper that will guide you during the process.

  • Main step.

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    • Name: An alias for identifying the list.

    • Sources: If empty it will accept opportunities from any source. On the contrary select the valid sources.

  • Date step.

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    • No date rule: If selected it won’t apply any condition based on dates.

    • Static: It will apply the selected range of dates on the selected criteria (last activation date or last purchase date). For example, if you select the range 10/01/2024 - 10/31/2024 and the last activation date condition, it will search over those opportunities that had their last activation in that period.

    • Dynamic: This filter functions similarly to a static filter, but it dynamically updates date conditions. For example, if you select "Last Purchase Date" and set a start value of 0 and an end value of 10, it will filter opportunities with purchases made within the past 0 to 10 days. If a customer made a purchase 30 days ago and places a new order, they will automatically meet this condition, as it now has been 0 days since their last purchase.

      This dynamic filter is incredibly useful, as it continuously recalculates based on real-time conditions.

  • Tag step.

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    • Inclusion tags: It searches for opportunities that have at least one tag specified in the inclusion filters.

    • Exclusion tags: It ignores opportunities that have at least one tag specified in the exclusion filters.

    • Tags applied during date range filter: Based on the date conditions selected in the previous step, you can choose to have the tag filters apply only to tags added to opportunities within that same date range. For example, if you selected a static date range of 10/01/2024 to 10/31/2024, the tag filters will only include tags that were added to opportunities within that specified date range.

    • Tag sources: This is not a filter for opportunities, it works only by filtering the results of the next field.

    • Tags: You can search and select the exact tags to be considered either for inclusion/exclusion.

    • Tag patterns: At times, you may have tags with common names, like “Bottle.” Instead of manually searching for every tag with the word “Bottle” using the previous filter, simply type "Bottle" here and press Enter. You can enter as many keywords as needed, and the filter will automatically search for all tags containing the specified terms. This is especially useful when you have keywords that match a specific set of tags.

  • Product step: Be aware that only customers have products, so if you set this filter it will automatically affects only to people who have purchased before.

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    • Inclusion products: Opportunity at least must have one of the specified products.

    • Exclusion products: Opportunity must not have any of the specified products.

    • Products applied during date range filter: Based on the date conditions selected in the previous step, you can choose to have the product filters apply only to products added to opportunities within that same date range. For example, if you selected a static date range of 10/01/2024 to 10/31/2024, the product filters will only affect for products that were acquired by opportunities within that specified date range.

  • Location step:

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    • Country: If empty it considers all countries. On the contrary, people must have at least one address which belongs to the specified country.

    • State. If empty it considers any state. on the contrary, people must have at least one address which belongs to the specified state.

  • Order value step:

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    • Min and Max activations: The minimum/maximum number of activations an opportunity must have. If empty it ignores the total activations.

    • Min and Max value: The minimum/maximum lifetime value (LTV) an opportunity must have. If empty it ignores LTV.

  • Finally click on Save.

  • As you can see, there are numerous conditions you can specify. Essentially, a pipeline will search for all opportunities that meet all of the conditions and filters you have selected.

  • Now you will see a new pipeline added.

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  • If you have multiple pipelines, they will be executed in order of priority from top to bottom. To give a particular pipeline higher priority, simply drag and drop it to a higher position in the list.

The yellow message at the top serves as a suggestion and reminder. Whenever an action occurs that affects the pipelines, it's recommended to redistribute the opportunities across the pipelines. Actions that may require redistribution include:

  • Creating a new pipeline

  • Disabling a pipeline

  • Deleting a pipeline

  • Reordering pipelines


Distributing opportunities is a complex and resource-intensive process. To ensure smooth operation, we recommend clicking the “Assign Opportunities to Pipelines” button only after you've made all desired changes. If you’re using the powerdialer for calling automatically the opportunities, avoid making these changes during your agents' working hours, as it may impact their performance.


Now that you have created all your pipelines, it’s time to assign them to agents and start utilizing them. Please read the next article for a detailed explanation of this process.



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