Admin, Shop and Subscription conversions

Admin, Shop and Subscription conversions


The purpose of this walkthrough is to show you the Admin, Shop, and Subscription conversions


Pre Requisites:

  • WF account


Conversions for these sources need a previous conversion generated in a funnel. Due to in the shop, admin, and subscriptions we don’t have an affiliate id, we need a previous conversion where we take that affiliate id.

When working with Admin/Shop sells the affiliate id is obtained by recovering the first conversion for that customer.

When working with subscriptions the affiliate id is obtained by recovering the conversion of the purchase that created the subscription.

If no affiliated id is found no conversion will be triggered


Offers set up

In the offers that you want to integrate with us be sure that they have this:

  • The conversion method needs to be set to “Server Postback”. This is important because we trigger conversions using postback requests.



Admin/Quote orders

To trigger conversions on admin sells is needed an offer id. You can provide additionally an event id (normal event id or advertiser event id).

  1. In the admin, you can go to Integrations and click on View configuration in the Everflow card, go to the events tab and define an offer id in the Admin section.



Shop orders

To trigger conversions on shop sells is needed an offer id. You can provide additionally an event id (normal event id or advertiser event id).

  1. In the admin, you can go to Integrations and click on View configuration in the Everflow card, go to the events tab and define an offer id in the Shop section.



Subscriptions/Recurring payments

A subscription can be created from three different channels Funnel, Admin, or Shop. To trigger conversions on recurring payments is needed an offer id and an event id (normal event id or advertiser event id)

There are some ways to define the offer id, they are ordered by priority. It means that if you provide all/some of them the first found will be used.

  1. In the admin got Products > Edit on your desired one > Subscription plans > On the desired one click on the vertical dots > Metadata add new metadata, for the key use ef_offer_id and put in the value the id.

  2. Depending on the source of the subscription, it will use the global Funnel/Admin/Shop offer id.



Check List:

  • Log in to Webforce

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