Create New Cart Using API

Create New Cart Using API


The purpose of this walkthrough is to show you how to create a new cart using the API.


Pre Requisites:

  • Shop module must be enabled (specifically that checkout page) to fetch the URL for redirecting to the secure cart page.

  • Offers or Products with the source shop enabled.

If source shop is not enabled on the items, the checkout won’t load the item.

API Endpoint

You need to make a POST request method to api/carts using your default instance domain.

For example: https://webforce.webforcehq.test/api/carts


Open settings option menu / Click on Domains / Copy the default Domain


Structure for Cart payload

A valid payload would look like this:


Text for easy copy:

"contact": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "john.doe@example.com"
"source": "my_external_shop1_page",
"items": [
"id": "0845ac60-d17f-4870-ba4d-5819cec05a64",
"type": "product",
"quantity": 2
"id": "b523ae01-2128-4637-bcf0-d7570e2c778c",
"type": "offer",
"quantity": 1
"id": "f14ad2f4-31b9-453c-b1d2-4f3a5373c1d4",
"type": "product",
"variation_id": "1fe52282-0d89-4bd2-86ef-8d2a99509702",
"plan_id": "b9318036-2f54-41df-8d74-bd55a46c70bf",
"quantity": 1


If the contact key is set, the API creates a new lead using the specified information.

Text for easy copy:

contact: not required
first_name: required | string max 255
last_name: not required | string max 255
email: required | valid email | string max 255


Used to specify where the cart comes from.

Text for easy copy:

source: required | string max 255


Let's call each object set in the key items an item. An item should be created only if its information is valid; otherwise, the API returns data with a key named errors, where the errors are specified.

Text for easy copy:

items: required | array | min 1 object

Structure for a Cart Item

Some fields are required in specific cases.

Text for easy copy:

id: valid id | string max 255
type: required | offer or product
plan_id: valid id | string max 255
quantity: required | numeric | min 1
variation_id: valid id | string max 255


Required fields



Where can we find the ids that we need to send in the payload?


ID for a Product.

Go to products list / Select the product you require and Edit / Click on ID Button


ID for a Product Variation.

Open Edit product drawer / Click on Variations option menu / Select the variation you require and View details / Click on ID Button


ID for a Product Plan.

Open Edit product drawer / Click on Subscription plans option menu / Select the plan you require and View details / Click on ID Button


ID for an Offer.

Go to offers list / Select the offer you require and Edit / Click on ID Button

API Response

Structure for a Api response:

Text for easy copy:

id: the id related to the created cart
redirect_url: the url related to the cart


A recently created cart with errors would look like this:

Text for easy copy:


"data": {

"id": "45a5413b-52c1-4c1b-886b-7325eb92eea5",

"redirect_url": "example-domain.com/myshop/mycheckout?cart_id=45a5413b-52c1-4c1b-886b-7325eb92eea5",

"errors": {

"cart_item_2": {