Webforce - Zapier Api Doc

Webforce - Zapier Api Doc

Welcome to the integration guide for connecting your Webforce CRM with Zapier This integration enables you to process the following triggers from Zapier:

  • contact-created

  • order-completed

  • approved-transaction

  • customer-created

  • transaction-declined

  • refund-applied

  • survey-completed

  • subscription-canceled

Getting the API Token

Webforce uses bearer authentication to authenticate requests. You will need to include Authorization: Bearer <API Access Token> in the header for all requests.

Before you get started, you will need to generate an API access token

POST: https://{{subdomain}}.webforcehq.io/api/login

Example Request:

curl --location 'https://{{subdomain}}.webforcehq.io/api/login' \ --header 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "email": "admin@webforcehq.com", "password": "secret", "integration": "zapier" }'

Example Response:

{ "data": { "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIxIiwianRpIjoiYzVkMzYzYTMyN2ZiMTYzOTkyN2Q2ZGI3YTE5NDliNGQxZGRiODFlYTU3N2MyZjM1Zjc2ZmE1ZmZmMmU2NGY0MGZmOTQyOTk5NmViNTY5MTQiLCJpYXQiOjE3MjQ5NDM1ODQuODQ4ODI5LCJuYmYiOjE3MjQ5NDM1ODQuODQ4ODMyLCJleHAiOjE4ODI3MDk5ODQuODM5NDkzLCJzdWIiOiIxIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbXX0.KfxRT-aYJ5zGaJNb32o5hChf0Muyur9VjSzjKFTH_VBGyLRcsolnD_RUchzw8WNlpmKXWa-VQFg7zuLyjNRQ5xg8ToCinE6jCgwnOLS_clzkAIcGPEq6uIA68aUJJ_f_IT9x-mAtMsRwqVaTRxDIg7brqY5GQ4fO8sJWSFuxpOC51q95dsCD6FQMRypV2sLEjiY5Wzg9KvBxjFp2b-uHwd91p3C7MkrbKUGxVaRtyF4sQEfbLo4o8ewSS_IU92ujS305Miu1Uzbr1NHYlgd0eAByJioEU9CuKmW-uwhXGB6IL50xd7PfXwlEulLUAJXSIQp6kb60unXFHygw6-_BueecaNUBbUoxKoApHNRzesUMOM3EauDyJwtLYE5xbBF6055gMckICX0W-aTKcTaIDdA2Jp9v-WebcYCTKE9icsL543D-noRjinIKS98miYjgKhaL1d6qlRu1EgP5FT1EVcG8MEbDKVgiUI4W-LUxY9jhpkkoD4GXih3uBfPhiBT4JP0XpYMY7RjqxLRSLlJvsgl76jVU0yLdtkpUnq9vidigAHfQL7UVWXg5GLaBB3Qu-mnfdZqdJr81Jpce-gVtAA5L3cqY5GJ2eHWacqbRhtHvf7S_D5zRqM61nR-p1RK_mQf3ToIBq9aCkowLu12weNJjIIRO91YdWVC-KNX_ULI", "expires": 1882709984, "user": { "id": "e37dbff8-5286-4f1a-9991-9c6eed8dd51d", "type": "employee", "name": "WebforceHQ Admin", "last_name": "Admin", "lifetime_value": 0, "email": "admin@webforcehq.com", "created_at": "2024-08-21 15:25:35", "accept_leads": 1, "team": { "id": "35af67c0-405f-42f3-9086-12a9249557b3", "name": "Team enim dicta mollitia voluptate Team #1724271975", "free_for_all_interval": 0 }, "is_leader": false, "dashboards": [ { "name": "main", "favorite": false, "default": false }, { "name": "agent_sales", "favorite": false, "default": false }, { "name": "default", "favorite": true, "default": false }, { "name": "set_up", "favorite": true, "default": true }, { "name": "funnels", "favorite": false, "default": false } ], "date_format": "DD/MM/YYYY", "language": "en", "contact": { "id": "1a17ef1e-5d67-479f-846e-660f8036f755", "name": "WebforceHQ Admin", "email": "admin@webforcehq.com", "first_name": "WebforceHQ", "last_name": "Admin", "lifetime_value": 0, "created_at": "2024-08-21 15:25:35", "is_customer": true, "thumbnail": null, "last_purchase": null }, "permissions": [ { "id": "817c2d98-5ffb-11ef-97bf-02420a050002", "name": "access_addresses_ui" }, { "id": "81fdeeb2-5ffb-11ef-97bf-02420a050002", "name": "accept_block_leads_for_team_agent" }, { "id": "81fe8238-5ffb-11ef-97bf-02420a050002", "name": "set_gateway_as_default" }, ], "roles": [ { "id": "8503e57a-e3af-4cb4-91dc-ab009e098814", "name": "Super admin", "role": "super_admin", "system": true, "user_count": 0 } ], "manageable_roles": [ "super_admin", "admin", "sales_manager", "sales", "appointment_setter", "marketing_manager", "marketing", "customer_service_manager", "customer_service" ], "max_quick_refund_percentage": 100, "company": { "id": "168fe63c-1f58-4a92-a0c3-c1e9c0acac52", "name": "webforce", "created_at": "2024-08-21T20:24:50.000000Z", "company_country": "US" }, "teams_in_charge": [], "status": "active", "deactivated_at": null }, "setup_finished": true } }

Create a new webhook subscription

To create a subscription you need to make a request with the following required params.

POST: https://{{subdomain}}.webforcehq.io/webhooks/zapier/subscribe

  • target_url - A string value that contains the hook url

  • event - A string value that should contains the event name from the following list

    • contact-created

    • order-completed

    • approved-transaction

    • customer-created

    • transaction-declined

    • refund-applied

    • survey-completed

    • subscription-canceled

  • integration - A string value that contains the name of integration “zapier”


Example Request:

curl --location 'https://{{subdomain}}.webforcehq.io/webhooks/zapier/subscribe' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' \ --header 'Authorization: ••••••' \ --data '{ "target_url": "https://hooh-url.example", "event": "customer-created", "integration": "zapier" }'

Example Response:


Delete webhook subscription

To delete a subscription you need to make a request with the following required params.

DELETE: https://{{subdomain}}.webforcehq.io/webhooks/zapier/unsubscribe

  • integration_channel_id - A string value with the uuid of channel

  • event - A string value with the name of event to unsubscribe

  • integration - A string value that contains the name of integration “zapier”


Example Request:

Example Response:


Perform Lists

To check for recent items, to provide sample data in the Zap Editor you need to make a request with the following structure.

POST: https://{{subdomain}}.webforcehq.io/webhooks/zapier/contacts

Example Request:

to check the rest of perform list endpoints you just need to change the last path of the endpoint with the following list

  • /customers

  • /contacts

  • /orders

  • /transactions-approved

  • /transactions-declined

  • /refunds-applied

  • /surveys-completed

  • /subscriptions-canceled


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