MAROPOST Integration


The purpose of this walkthrough is to help you set up Maropost Integration in the Webforce CRM


Pre Requisites:

  • WF CRM access

  • You must have a Maropost

  • API Key

  • Account ID



  • Access to the integration menu on the left panel. Here you can view all your current integrations.



  • Click the blue plus sign to add additional integrations.



  • Search by name “Maropost” and select one optio


1- Create an account: If you select to create an account, you will be redirected to the Maropost site to create your account, after that, you must go back to WebforceHQ - Integrations and Configure Maropost integration.


2- Configure: Click on Configure and fill in the form data with the required fields, and save the configuration.


  • The fields for configuring the integration are

1- Integration alias: Internal name to refer to the integration.

2- Client ID: Your application client ID (supplied by Maropost Commerce)


  • Go into the Dashboard of Maropost


  • Navigate to the account icon in the right type corner.


  • Click Settings


  • Next, you will be brought to the Account Details, Click Account


  • Copy your Account ID and Paste it into WebForce


  • Paste it into WebForce


1- Go in into the Dashboard of Maropost


2- Navigate to the account icon in the right type corner.


3- Click Settings


4- Once on this screen, click API Keys 


5- You will need to add a New API Key, follow these instructions

Select Add Key


Enable API privileges




  • Once you have saved you will be brought back to your API Key Screen and copy the new key added.

  • Paste API Keys into WebForce


  • Once everything is in the system and it looks correct, enable the integration and click save. 

  • ⚙️ Advanced set-up integration


After the basic setup, you can configure these options:

  1. Configuration settings:

    1. You can select a particular list from your MAROPOST account

    2. Add a prefix to the tags whit this pattern:

      1. {prefix}-{tags of system}

        prefix: Value for the prefix on tags

        tags of the system: Many of the tags are generated for the system. See the Marketing integration tags section for more information, (Marketing integration tags)

  2. Enable the integration: Set Enable or Disabled this integration.

  3. Events for notifications: You can enable what kind of notification to receive.

📬 Events for notifications

You can set what kind of notification are sending to integration, only mark/unmark on the notification panel. These are the events you can receive:

  • 👤 Contact created

  • ✅ Order completed

  • ❌ Transaction declined

  • ↩️ Refund Applied



👤 Contact created

It is called when a lead is created/reactivated in the system.

Sources are:

  • admin or shop: Use the default list and sync tags

  • funnel: Use the default list if don't have an override list provided and sync tags

✅ Order completed

When this event is triggered you receive a notification with the order created.

Sources are:

  • admin or shop: Use the default list and sync tags

  • funnel: Use the default list if don't have an override list provided and sync tags

❌ Transaction declined

When a purchase transaction gets rejected in the system. Because this is at the transaction level (in funnels an order can have many transactions if upsells ed), this event could be triggered many times inside a funnel purchase. For example, the cart page sale was approved but all the next upsells were declined due to insufficient funds.

Our system automatically creates tags for the products declined in the transaction.

When sources are:

  • admin, shop, or funnel: Use the default list and sync tags.

↩️ Refund applied

When a refund/void occurs. Source is:

  • admin, shop, or funnel: Use the default list and sync tags.


Links & Resources


How to verify if the Integration is working:

  • Very important before being able to test, we must have an Affiliate Link ready to use. 

  • Perform a live transaction and a test transaction.

  • Follow this walkthrough to perform a test transaction: Creating a Test Order

  • After performing the transaction check your orders


  • To check a live order go to Orders and select the Order number as shown below

  • To check a Test order just go to Orders and click the Funnel icon on the top right corner

  • Once you have selected the funnel icon the dropdown will appear, just select Test and Apply to view only the Test orders

  • To check the MAROPOST Integration you would need to go to Orders click the order number 

  • Select Notifications and the Status should be Successful. you can also click the 3 dots to the far right to View Details and see the information sent and received.


Check List:

  • WF CRM access

  • Maropost Account

  • API Key

  • Account ID